Circuit boards used in electronic and computer devices are assembled using the printed Circuit Board Fabrication (PCB) process. The board's layers are assembled, along with a particular surface pattern, so that it can be used in electronics manufacturing. PCB fabrication companies also manufacture similar products for their customers. Electronic products producers have the option of fabricating in-house or contracting this out to third-party specialists. Many businesses work in this gray area, and Hi5 Electronics can help with a wider variety of services if appropriate.
For both reliability and low-cost mass production, printed circuit boards, or PCBs, are used to mechanically help and electrically connect an array of electronic components into a circuit. A standard two-layer PCB has a single insulation layer, which is usually fiberglass resin, and two copper planes, one on either side of the insulation. These copper layers are etched into traces (wires), with vias (holes) connecting them at key points. Additional layers cover the copper while also supplying artwork and marking. X-PCB is the best PCB fabrication service provider and a top-notch PCB Circuit Board Suppliers, supplying a significant range of printed circuit boards for industrial applications. For all of your PCB needs will diligently provide high-quality PCB manufacturing and assembly services.